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[Attention] 【08.09.04】Sudsapda's VOTE(Renewal )

发表于 2008-9-4 07:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请勿在此贴用中文回覆,这是给看不懂中文的朋友发的贴,查看中文版本介绍的链接这里:http://www.chinatikfans.com/thread-10099-1-1.html  l4 b! R' I0 O- s/ f
2 ]" i) a3 q) n# A
source:natvigatortiktun.com (aeah)
0 d0 d" `9 t6 O

4 q# }) e6 O5 {0 ^% l, d! t
: W' a4 ^  `; S! l  Dhttp://www.navigatortiktun.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=480
0 h4 p- y1 @& U( i% @- p" ~4 c
; @/ W; t. X7 b' p$ @0 lDear all8 y) G* n2 k( @  m5 ?
4 ^; f$ o/ {/ D* f2 z6 ]
I have below the detail of Sudsapda Magazine 2008 Vote for you. From the 3 vote channels, you can vote for Tik from website channel if you want to. The votes should be reach Sudsapda by October 31, 2008 at Noon9 K/ ^# ~) T- p. T5 R

" U5 Q0 W; S) ^" S! kSudsapda Magazine is organizing a Young & Smart Vote 2008, between Aug 16 and Oct 31, 2008 and is available in 3 channels:- b0 d: Z" z3 q4 p: U

3 Y0 t6 K/ z" V4 ?2 d1) ‘Website’ accounted for 20 percent of total
, T4 \, z% ^2 S! Y5 u- Z# Gto vote here:
" T  ~# N, P" v" Q1 }. k7 x# o& W
' R' ?6 n; H% I-From this page
http://www.sudsapda.com/SudSapDa2007/yo ... ement.aspx
" }9 B4 q' C% w: b( w1 ]7 _
! g6 ?$ e6 ?; j: r-At the top of the page, click “ร่วมโหวต” stripe (no. 4 from left)
# }3 P- b' r+ E; c8 N2 `$ L-Now you on the vote 1st page
2 U" L3 h* J0 k+ S6 S3 \0 C-In each code/ category, you want to tick one, of your choice $ p9 U. l8 z- f; _1 o: Y
-Then click “next” to vote, you will see your selection at the tally on your right, click “back” and redo should you want to change
3 k8 T  [8 y. h) u3 T- q-Keep going on every category, the English title on the top can help specify what it is2 @/ N+ K: \2 T$ C, t4 [+ {7 a
-Our Tik is on SDG category his code is SDG2, and let that handsome face leads you ha ha- C$ J5 @6 x- T. c8 ^
-this is a forced choice so cannot skip, you have to complete all categories  f' {" _& Q- E# }
-the last page is to fill: your name in full, your email address and your tel number respectively. After you filled the pass code they provided, click “Vote”
  O; k$ h/ g) T/ }-end, you’ve done it!& s  ~" \# ~2 A8 z
-you can vote many times but keep some interval or after you cleared the cookies( [" r4 g) H0 i! j2 L# ~. ?' x
% A: l2 U7 g( n1 R) c% T) E
2) ‘SMS’ accounted for 30 percent
) {6 }! K  ]7 t* P( |- aTo send the vote message:; ~9 k0 V. K4 _; s6 K1 w; t
- print our Tik’s code SDG2 ' X5 g7 k, c( g' F
- send to 4890011
) }" X4 c# C2 }" r3 J8 F' SBut I’m not sure if the SMS can handle overseas’ vote and the city code to dial it. But K. rossarin called the magazine they will check with their SMS providers and get back to her soonest. Anyway, here is a long distance call code, in BKK: +66 XXX XXXX3 _, I* l: e" h* t8 C

0 V6 ]- s5 Z8 r; s# R4 Q, e* F3) Sudsapda’s ‘Vote Card’ inserted in Sudsapda Magazine from issue Aug 16 (the one with Tik on the cover) – October 16, 08 and the rest 50 percent are via the card vote.
/ A- D: N/ M" M5 |To order the magazine call +66 2 423 9999 extension 2, Memberships Department, specific order the Sudsapda No. 613 August 16, 2008 (with Tik on front cover); a1 c6 O  v6 a: J" P5 }4 `2 \
6 e# v1 r) S$ Q% H- ?
4) All Votes must reach Sudsapda by October 31, 08 at Noon

' o0 _+ v3 n6 f! R$ ?' x) q% x3 S6 [8 G
Actually, you can repeat the vote in all channels, K. rossarin called the magazine and checked with them already. The only one question they haven't reply us is the SMS, I guess because the SMS providers; S" v1 h% X' L6 d
0 _% w+ O) N( z; U) |
and ....this is your choice, I just provide information. No matter what the result of the vote will be, my love and support to Tik has never change. The reason for me to vote is that I want to see more of his work in Sudsapda or in other magazines. I believe that voice of consumer like us have a say. And this is one of the ways how magazine select their front covers, actually it’s the way for other media as well e.g. Lakorn or T V ad they look at the TV rating and etc' k% P1 Z' L1 Y
0 j' l! ~9 w! s# J) v* d+ j
--------------------------------------------********--------------------------------------------**********----------------------------------1 F7 c: E* _* V# J3 J+ M- V; ~7 B1 ?
I have two updates todayPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:45 am)
- x' g7 V+ K* S/ n2 a+ {- c: z, D
1) the SMS vote has updated the current status and our Tik ranked 1st, yeahhhh but it still two months to go. But the Web vote's result shown online, Tik is currently at number 4 though, okay we’ll keep voting and voting nonstop in these two months ha ha
# i8 R! D- d* G. z- \& P3 m" N2) For friends who own the Sudsapda #613 issue, please look for the ‘Vote Card’ inside. Below is how to vote from the vote card, thanks k.NuJaew and k.rossarin for the informations:: v7 E8 g, G, V) s) O
2.1 on the vote page, go straight to number 7 category. As per K.NuJaew, non-Thai voters – it is not necessary to fill the other categories, you can leave all blank
8 i' e$ l! |; ?3 u/ V2 ]+ t6 d2.2 then fill the number 7: Young & Smart Actor with Tik Jesdaporn Pholdee 7 H3 _" I4 @8 I" y* Q$ _
2.3 go straight to the bottom page, at the last three lines: fill you name, address and tel. number respectively. Leave the bottom line on the right (Meet & Greet) blank as you cannot join the event in case Tik won it# H  c, B# l0 s/ k+ I2 w; g4 H$ R
2.4 I guess you may need an envelope as the vote card’s response mailer is only for mailing within Thailand. Then have it mailed to the address below. Last vote must reach the magazine by October 31, Noon
5 T' E0 @5 w- B; E
Editor - Sudsapda Magazine
  z7 g1 `- X4 w8 C- W; w) R9 f( I% E, AAmarin Printing and Publishing Public Company Limited% B1 N# @) M. D! I
65 / 101-103 Moo 4, Chaiyapruek Road8 p1 \6 p" E8 k5 }9 u- g
Taling Chan District; t  j& q5 c  b) c1 F
Bangkok 10170
; P9 F% f( U3 P: GThailand
  O/ C2 G2 e, ]
2.5 END. you have done it!!! the vote result announced in November 8, I will keep you posted for any further information if any) Q1 A1 S# O( {6 `4 l
Note: a copied vote card or by fax are not eligible

# {  g: }7 k( X, w4 ~# F- L( _3 B$ s' W; D& ?4 x. b
Morning everyone (Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:44 am)
7 W; h  H% q4 h  YUpdates for today
2 U! S. p9 d- q& i1 SMS vote is available for within Thailand only as the system doest support for overseas calls, as per k.rossarin
9 }/ Y* R9 K5 l
2 I guess it is easier to just scan the vote card for your look, hope this help( x2 I7 O# J2 z% B# `9 T
Have a nice day & vote
6 C' \3 m- @$ h) R6 m

( K3 l$ l9 X% W3 yThe vote result will be out on Nov 3, and the award plus meet n greet event held Nov 8
( [5 }+ [* ]) b6 |
- r& L1 Z8 R4 `6 g: {% n5 x2 H  c2 f( L( P3 R0 a2 s& ?! j* P
1 y& S5 Y4 c7 j1 }# U. [$ D+ ~+ S, ^
& ]9 v8 R/ F# U, R
[ 本帖最后由 susu_hela 于 2008-9-7 10:01 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-9-4 08:36 | 显示全部楼层
I agree,no matter what the result of the vote will be, my love and support to Tik has never change.
发表于 2008-9-4 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
I want to see more of his work in Sudsapda or in other magazines,too.  And  I  'll  like  Tik  forever.
发表于 2008-9-4 10:35 | 显示全部楼层
I've got the Vote Card and wonder how it can reach the magazine
发表于 2008-9-4 12:00 | 显示全部楼层
Original posted by vichida at 2008-9-4 10:35 ' J! Y# D* d+ |
I've got the Vote Card and wonder how it can reach the magazine
6 Y6 `$ T# w) g% ]1 C9 U' e$ D
Should it have the address in the back?, t) ^6 P: _0 i" p3 b5 T8 o. n; f$ g' B
I think you should add Thailand at the end of the address and take to the post office and mail it.   ! }* Z- J' g6 b. v
BTW, I haven't seen the card yet.  If you want, I can try to find the address for you.
发表于 2008-9-5 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 thinkJaden 于 2008-9-4 12:00 发表 + l: Z7 o# S% _7 u7 _0 \
( I9 R" I) P9 s% k
Should it have the address in the back?! x, R, _. d8 V* ?* g5 D
I think you should add Thailand at the end of the address and take to the post office and mail it.   
$ f' C4 y; a; w/ X3 ^+ Q" k; m$ pBTW, I haven't seen the card yet.  If you want, I ca ...
# P$ o: Y) u0 j+ a
thanks. I think i can get some freind to read the address for me.
/ w5 @" K& M/ e* abtw, I am currently in Thailand.
8 O2 e6 ?6 l, @- U8 ^do you know the SMS vote can be repeated, i mean, from one mobile number?
发表于 2008-9-6 10:52 | 显示全部楼层
I diligently am voting continuously, I'll refuel continuously!
发表于 2008-9-6 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
Original posted by vichida at 2008-9-5 21:39 1 t- Y' ~- O- R- C8 q1 A2 s

2 V6 O/ {. J/ y- e; F. ]- M5 a3 Xthanks. I think i can get some freind to read the address for me.( D1 e' C$ h/ I0 U- V9 p
btw, I am currently in Thailand.: Z1 C4 l5 L1 h) k. w
do you know the SMS vote can be repeated, i mean, from one mobile number?

8 A+ c  b' J! o$ G0 z
% o, Z+ `+ P) w, ]3 oYes, SMS vote can be re-voted as many as you want.
& p8 ~" T- G6 h) q/ k3 {Please note that there is a small fee associated with the SMS.
发表于 2008-9-6 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
Tik is number 3 now. ; {+ N% }% b3 e+ v5 n: Z  L& n
I hope he will be number 2 or 1 soon.
6 l% h& c# q4 h0 o" ihttp://www.sudsapda.com/SudSapDa2007/youngsmart/WebResult.aspx
发表于 2008-9-6 12:26 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, I think so Thinkjaden.
9 J0 L+ d) p3 X4 s1 r! ethat's good.. SMS vote can be re-voted as many as you want.  / S4 \' r$ k  o9 }* h/ M* g
I will vote it everyday untill deadline
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